Verifier account

Verifiers need access to the Union Registry primarily to verify emissions entered by operators and aircraft operators. Here you will find information on how to apply for a verifier account.

Application – Step by step

All steps in the application process must be completed for your application to be complete and approved. Click on the links below to get more information on how to meet the requirements of an application.

The account is not subject to any fees but can only be opened by a valid verifier. The verifier is responsible for applying for an account in the Swedish part of the Union Registry.

When applying for a new verifier account, the following is required:

  • Evidence of accreditation as verifier in the EU ETS
  • Completed application form with information about the account holder (organisation) and information about the persons applying to become representatives for the account (at least one representative)
    o Evidence of identity
    o Power of attorney
  • Registration of representatives and application for account opening on the Union Registry website.

General requirements regarding documentation

All copies of documents attached to the application must be certified by a notary public. It is required to verify the authenticity of the document. In the case of documents issued outside of Sweden, the copy must be legalised or confirmed by apostille.

The date of issue of a certificate or, legalisation or apostille must not be more than three months before the date on which the application is received by the Swedish Energy Agency. Contact details for the notary public or other entity must be attached to the documentation.

Documents that are in original do not need to be certified.


The documents submitted to the Swedish Energy Agency shall be in Swedish or English. If the original document is in another language, a legalised copy must be submitted together with an authorised translation.