About the project

Electrification of the transport sector is underway to varying degrees in all the Nordic countries, and there is potential for co-operation to increase the efficiency and speed of the transition process.

Between 2021 and 2024, the Swedish Energy Agency is running the project Accelerated Electrification of Road Transport in the Nordic countries. The aim is to improve conditions for electrified road transport in rural areas and border regions, and to work towards a common payment system for electric car charging in the Nordic countries and the EU. The project is a collaboration with the Swedish Transport Administration and is funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.


The transport sector is a large contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions and the electrification of vehicles is regarded as one of the major initiatives to lower emissions. The conversion to an electric transport sector is a key priority.

The Prime Ministers, and the Environment and Climate Ministers and the Nordic Council of Ministers have all stressed the importance of cooperation in the transport sector.


One obstacle is the general perception that electrification of the transport sector is primarily an urban solution. Today, there is momentum for electrification in cities, where for example new car sales are largely taking place. For electrification to have broad and general acceptance and be implemented to the extent that adopted climate targets require, this work also needs to be anchored in rural and other areas outside the Nordic cities.

Another obstacle is the opinion that electric car charging is complicated, for example due to different payment systems. To a varying degree, policy processes have been initiated in the Nordic countries to harmonise payment solutions for electric car charging. However, these processes risk focusing on national conditions and a Nordic consensus on the development of payment solutions would provide significant added value.

The project consists of the following subprojects:


Support for electrification in rural and border regions (led by the Swedish Transport Administration)

The aim of the subproject is to improve the conditions for electrified road transport in rural areas and border regions. To increase the understanding and opportunities of electrification outside Nordic cities, in rural areas, on islands, and in border regions. Thus accelerating the conversion of the vehicle fleet and increasing electrification. Charging infrastructure is the network of public and non-public charging stations that enable electrification of the transport sector and a prerequisite for widespread acceptance.

Work package for this subproject:

WP 1.1 A knowledge synthesis of the current state of electrified road transport in the Nordic countries. Mapping and analysing the deployment of public ("white routes") and non-public ("home charging") charging infrastructure for different road transport modes, with a focus on rural and border areas.

WP 1.2 An analysis of the potential, measures, instruments and costs of various actions aimed at accelerating the electrification of rural road transport and ensuring good mobility in border areas. Proposals for demo actions are presented.

WP 1.3 To implement concrete actions to promote the conditions for electrified road transport with a focus on rural and border regions.


Collaboration on payment solutions for electric car charging (led by the Swedish Energy Agency)

Consumers who need to charge their vehicle are often faced with different payment solutions, such as apps, RFID etc., both nationally, in the Nordics and in the EU. Although users mainly charge at home, public charging is an important complement for e.g. longer trips. The situation today is characterised by several different payment models and many infrequent users. Payment streams per charging session are often small, which in many cases makes a card reader too expensive. This has led to charging operators using different, cheaper payment solutions.

Work package for this subproject:

WP 2.1 A compilation of existing payment systems in the Nordic countries and in key EU countries is conducted. The case for different forms of requirements or market direction towards more uniformity is documented. Ongoing initiatives in the Nordic countries are studied and discussions within both the Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Directive (AFIR) and the ITS Directive at EU level are also followed.

WP 2.2 Development of different proposals for improving the current situation from the Nordic perspective. An important part of this is a dialogue with the industry but also with public stakeholders. The latter because the solution may lie both in, for example, requirements for public support or procurement in some form, but also for more stringent requirements in the form of changes to directives or laws.

WP 2.3 Identification of relevant processes and preparation of input to these based on Nordic added value.