The search for swedish climate strategy resulted in 117 hits
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Contribute to knowledge about the sustainability of bioenergy and bio-based raw materials.pdf
Contribute to knowledge about the sustainability of bioenergy and bio- based raw materials In this call for proposals the Swedish Energy Agency is providing support for research projects
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Power of Attorney.pdf
1 (1) EM 25 18 , v 5. 0, 2 02 2- 11 -3 0 Power of Attorney for the Union Registry I hereby issue a Power of Attorney for: Name
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Fullständig utlysningstext Förstudier för snabbare klimatomställning.pdf
Ett strategiskt innovationsprogram med stöd från Energimyndigheten, Vinnova och Formas Förstudier för snabbare klimatomställning En satsning för att stärka förmågan
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Fullständig utlysningstext.pdf
UTLYSNING Datum 2023-06-09 1 (23) Ärendenummer 2023-203163 Avdelningen för forskning, innovation och affärsutveckling Konfidentialitet Aktnummer 1 UT2023-00013

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FFI Roadmap.pdf
Preface FFI, Fordonsstrategisk forskning och innovation, is a collaboration between the Swedish state (Vinnova, Swedish Traffic Administration and Swedish Energy Agency) and the automotive
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Project description - full study.docx
FULL APPLICATION TEMPLATE with instructions for project descriptions within the field of Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation (FFI). The total number of pages in the project description
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Project description - prestudy.docx
TEMPLATE with instructions for a pre-study - project descriptions within the field of Strategic Vehicle Research and Innovation (FFI). The total number of pages in the project description should
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